New Glebe Farm Gluten Free Oat Building

At Glebe Farm Foods we are in the midst of installing our new gluten free oat shed and the end is in sight. The engineers Jason and Paul are going strong (pictured in blue overalls) and David Lorryman has joined us recently in the office to purchase the new machinery. Gluten Free Porridge Sales are […]
Flying around Glebe Farm

With the weather fine on Friday, I could not resist going up for a flying lesson.Sam Raby, a neighbouring farmer near Wood Walton, took me up for an hour or so.As a gift I brought the Night Mission beer with the WW2 Mosquito on the front. Sam’s plane was immaculate, almost polished. It had its […]
Visits to Glebe Farm

When the sun is shining and the crops look at their fullest just before harvest, there is nothing we like better than to show the farm at its best. We have been lucky enough to have the Colchester Coeliac Group around in mid June. Beryl Whittingham, the group’s organiser brought a coach of 35 people […]
Harvest 2015 at Glebe Farm

Our 30 year old combine has done us proud! She has had a new face lift and had a new drum this summer and some new electrics. This year we bought a special rape knife – it is an extension to the combine head so that when the combine cuts the rape, the seeds go […]
New Glebe Farm Gluten Free Oat Building

At Glebe Farm we are in the midst of installing our new gluten free oat shed and the end is in sight. The engineers Jason and Paul are going strong (pictured in blue overalls) and David Lorryman has joined us recently in the office to purchase the new machinery. Gluten Free Porridge Sales are good […]
Flying around Glebe Farm

With the weather fine on Friday, I could not resist going up for a flying lesson.Sam Raby, a neighbouring farmer near Wood Walton, took me up for an hour or so.As a gift I brought the Glebe Farm Night Mission beer with the WW2 Mosquito on the front. Sam’s plane was immaculate, almost polished. It had […]
Visits to Glebe Farm

When the sun is shining and the crops look at their fullest just before harvest, there is nothing we like better than to show the farm at its best. We have been lucky enough to have the Colchester Coeliac Group around in mid June. Beryl Whittingham, the group’s organiser brought a coach of 35 people […]
Harvest 2015 at Glebe Farm

Our 30 year old combine has done us proud! She has had a new face lift and had a new drum this summer and some new electrics. This year we bought a special rape knife – it is an extension to the combine head so that when the combine cuts the rape, the seeds go […]
Same Farm Freshness, Brand New Look

Whilst we are sure it is common knowledge by now, we’d like to share our triumph one more time. Last year we faced a David & Goliath battle, that saw us come face to face with Oatly. The Judge dismissed the case in our favour, but it did get us thinking… there was an opportunity […]